Everybody Down - The Navy Lark Wiki

Opening remarks[]

There are various kinds of parties which we've all attended in our time. There's the Christmas party which everybody enjoys except the host because he's footing the bill, then there's the birthday party which only the birthday boy enjoys because everybody else is footing the bill, and of course there's the office party which everybody enjoys because the Inland Revenue's footing the bill. There are also dreary office meetings, one of which is being held at the Ministry of Defence, which nobody, including Lord Quirk the chairman, is enjoying.

Season 13
The TV Documentary I The P.O.W. Escape Exercise I Number One's Married Quarters I Operating for Profit I The Bumble Spit Lighthouse Affair I The Tonipouhaha Treasure I The U.S.A. Navigator Swap I Son Of A Sea Lord I Hypnotising Ramona I The Master of Sardinia I Opportunity Knockers I Friday The 13th I The New NAAFI