Everybody Down - The Navy Lark Wiki

Opening remarks[]

  • Barri: often wonder how many of you ordinary people out there realise what a specialised art it is to be a BBC announcer. Not any Tom, Dick and my name is Barri can succeed. For instance, Commander Wetherby, would you care to read this motoring flash.
  • Wetherby: Hmbr Yes by...b...by al...b...by mmm Yes mmm...b...b...by al...b...by baa be...be...bah...bo...po... mmm...b...b....p...p...people driving cars, mmm...bl...people driving cars...ars....br....ars....b...by all means ah pee...p...p pee...p...p...p...pee pa... are advised to...be....to re-adjust... to...adjust to...adjust to...a just a song to...br....bri...bri.... yes by by all means. A hm...br...brmmm...brahuh, a hmm...brm...brm...brahuh...bra oh to hell with it, go buy a boat.
  • Barri: Yes well err, in case that hasn't proved my point, would you like to read this news item err, Sub-Lieutenant Phillips?
  • Phillips: Gosh! I've always wanted to do this. It was reported in Marylebone Court today that Miss... Ha, ha, ha, ha... X has accused Mr Y of um... Ha, ha, ha, ha... I'm terribly sorry I'm far too young to read this.
  • Murray: May I, e, eh, have a try?
  • Barri: Sorry?
  • Murray: I'm err, rather good at this sort of thing.
  • Barri: Be my guest, be my guest.
  • Murray: Hello, err, groovy babies. This is what you do, are you listening mum because we're going to fight the flab. Ah, it's all happening today in the bijou basement. The scene's really swinging and remember, don't get drunk, click, clunk! Well chaps? Mmm?
  • Pertwee and Phillips: Don't call us, we won't call you.
  • Murray: Oh Saville's Travels to the lot of you.
  • Barri: Now, now gentlemen. This is hardly the attitude to take at the beginning of a goodwill mission to Australia. You may be docking in Sydney Harbour a little late, but at least you've got there and you haven't lost all the other ships in the fleet on the way.

Season 14
The Montezuela Revolution I The Island Swordfish I Bunged in the Brig (a.k.a. Bunged in the Rattle) I Kangaroo Polka (a.k.a. Kidnapped Down Under) I The Digital Isles Go Unstable I Egbert Hitches a Ride I Povey an Admiral at Last I The Bergan Horse Trials I Captain Povey's Wig I Brain Pill I Operation Showcase (a.k.a. Demonstrating Their Fire Power) I Living the High Life (a.k.a. CPO Pertwee Yachtmonger) I The Talpinium Shell