Everybody Down - The Navy Lark Wiki


  • Last episode before production of The TV Lark
  • Not a Light Service broadcast episode - Part of an overseas service broadcast to the British Antarctic Survey Teams at Christmas along with other BBC shows of the time. Jon Pertwee only


  1. Not Broadcast in the UK, it was released on The Navy Lark: The Collection: Series 4, Vol 2.

Navy Lark Special Episodes
Calling The Antarctic (Between Season 4 and The TV Lark. Not broadcast in the UK.) I Christmas Special 1965 (Between Season 7 and Season 8. Unaired episode not broadcast in UK.) I The Jubilee Navy Lark (The Queen's Silver Jubilee Edition) (After Season 15. Alternative title: The BBC are Sending the Bill to Buckingham Palace.) I Left Hand Down A Bit (Compilation) I The Reunion