Everybody Down - The Navy Lark Wiki
An Exercise In Filming
Season 1, Episode 14
Air date 28 June 1959
Written by Laurie Wyman
Episode guide
A Watch On The Initiative Test
The Smuggling Spy


Troutbridge is placed at the disposal of a film company.

Announcer's remarks

Now we all want to be in films, weather we look like Richard Todd after six weeks in the sun, or Boris Karloff after six all night parties. However, getting into films is one thing, getting out of them can be an even eiser move, as our Island draft learn the hard way...


No 1 informs Mr Phillips that Troutbridge will be recieving sailing orders from Commander Povey, and asks for CPO Pertwee to get Troutbridge stocked up ready to set sail. When Mr Phillips reveals the Chief is busy gardening outside the stores, No 1 decides to investigate.

Of course, it's actually Johnson doing the gardening - Pertwee is watching Johnson struggle with the lawn mower. Johnson suggests using the motor mower, but Pertwee refuses - at least until Johnson signs an IOU for the petrol. However, when Johnson starts the engine, the mowere crashes through the guardroom, just as the guards were having their elevenses.
